Brand Objective:
Behavior Games was looking for their next big IP integration for their Dead By Daylight video game. Sudden Impact was looking to secure a AAA license using a globally known Halloween character for an existing walk through experience in one of their managed theme parks in Malaysia. Evolution acquired the IP rights to the famous Ghost Face Halloween character and brokered deals between all parties.
We matched both experiences and products with this beloved horror character allowing for the creation of fully integrated content and marketing experiences for the rabid fan bases.
We developed the character attributes into one of the stealthiest new killers in the Dead By Daylight video game. The character has unique abilities and attacks that have never been seen before in the game, premiering June 2019.
The Ghost Face character had a fully immersive theme park walk through experience created by Sudden Impact for Sunway Lagoon in Malaysia for Halloween 2018, creating one of the most successful branded Halloween experiences in the park’s history. The parties are now extending their LBE partnership to other locations around the world.